
January 17, 2023

Women’s Creative Photoshoot Meetup

How it all began

At the women’s creative photoshoot meetup, you are free to be you. This is my third time doing the women’s creative photoshoot, and I have a lot to say about the experience.

Further, I realized photography may be beautiful, but it’s also extremely emotional. People seeing photos of themselves triggers a highly emotional response. I’ve been trying to figure out how to use this emotional response to empower women…

Cue inception of women’s creative. 

Emotions behind photos

In addition, I became obsessed with getting photos of myself when I started photography because I was fascinated seeing myself through a new perspective. Almost surprised myself by how I looked in the photo. Do I actually look this to other people? There’s so much psychology behind photography. Self perception. Self love. So many things come into play…

As a result, one of the feelings I became addicted to very early on was taking a photo of someone, showing her, and her face just lights up because she’s like wow, I look like that? Loving the photo of herself. That became my ultimate goal. Any client, friend, family me never, when they got behind my camera I want them to feel empowered. And with the end in mind, when they finally see the final product of the photo, they beam with light because of how they see themselves. This is everything. 

Overall, I want women to know how powerful they are. How beautiful they are, without even trying. Effortless beauty. Beauty by just being. Existing. That simple. That became the core value of the women’s creative photoshoot meetup.

Step into your power

Lastly, I left this creative shoot with an energy I’ve never had before. As a joke, for anyone who came, you guys know my heart was racing because I was so excited by everyone being there. In real life my heart races uncontrollably because I’m so excited. Just Ally things. 

Not only because of the fall aesthetic vision STRAIGHT UP COMING TO FRUITION by the help of everyone bringing themselves and the most amazing props. Like thank you all. But because of the fact that this shoot truly centered around connecting with the women there. It truly felt like a coffee social in the middle of the woods. The most epic feeling. Everyone connecting over chai, coffee, pie, tarot cards, journal entries, a true girls day picnic. Just yes. I’m beaming with joy right now. 

Finally, thank you, from the bottom of my heart AND SOUL for the ladies who attended. I have a place for each and every one of you in my soul. I love you. You are the reason the women’s creative photoshoot meetup is so special.

First women’s creative photoshoot:

Location of photoshoot:

comments +

  1. Mary ann says:

    The mirror reflections are my absolute fave ❤️Bravo my belle ensoleillement 🥰🥰

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